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[ahk] Mapping Ctrl + Alt + Tab to a single key in windows 8


I always use autohotkey, but some key is not working on windows 8.x

example, Ctrl+Alt+Tab (Task Switcher)

So, I think that I run task switcher program instead of autohotkey press virtual key Ctrl+Alt+Tab 

I found program that run Windows 8.x's task switcher. (http://www.eightforums.com/tutorials/10135-window-switcher-shortcut-create-windows-8-a.html)

This file is just run task switcher instead of Windows shortcut.

Unfortunately, This way have some delay run task switcher.


You Just Run This Program Using AutoHotKey Script

;in Windows 7

#x::Send, !^{tab}

;in Windows 8.x

#x::Run, Attached file path

My English skill is very fool so, someone correct my expression for me and reply. Thanks. 
