- For
For($i=0; $i -lt 10; $i++){
Write-Host $i
About For In this article --> Short description Describes a language command you can use to run statements based on a conditional test. Long description The For statement (also known as a For loop) is a language construct you can use to create a loop that
- While
While($i -lt 6){
Write-Host $i
About While In this article --> SHORT DESCRIPTION Describes a language statement that you can use to run a command block based on the results of a conditional test. LONG DESCRIPTION The While statement (also known as a While loop) is a language construct f
- Break
for($i=0; $i -lt 100; $i++)
Write-Host $i
if($i -eq 5)
About Break In this article --> SHORT DESCRIPTION Describes a statement you can use to immediately exit Foreach, For, While, Do, or Switch statements. LONG DESCRIPTION When a Break statement appears in a loop, such as a Foreach, For, or While loop, the Bre
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