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Windows 10/PowerShell

PowerShell : Get-Content, Set-Content, Out-File (파일 입출력)

  • Get-Content (파일 읽기)

    Get-Content "C:\TEST.txt"
  • Set-Content (파일 출력)

    Set-Content "C:\TEST.txt" "저장할 파일 내용"
  • 파이프라인을 이용한 파일 저장

     ls "C:\" | Set-Content "C:\TEST.txt"
  • Out-File 명령어를 이용한 파일 저장 (Set-Content와 다르게 모든 값이 저장)

     ls "C:\" | Out-File "C:\TEST.txt"



Get-Content (Microsoft.PowerShell.Management)

The Get-Content cmdlet gets the content of the item at the location specified by the path, such as the text in a file or the content of a function. For files, the content is read one line at a time and returns a collection of objects, each of which represe



Set-Content (Microsoft.PowerShell.Management)

Set-Content is a string-processing cmdlet that writes new content or replaces the content in a file. Set-Content replaces the existing content and differs from the Add-Content cmdlet that appends content to a file. To send content to Set-Content you can us



Out-File (Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility)

The Out-File cmdlet sends output to a file. When you need to specify parameters for the output use Out-File rather than the redirection operator (>).




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